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In 2023 the AJAX Junior Football Club experienced a large increase in behavioural issues involving not only players, but also parents and supporters. This was not only opposition clubs but also internally.


By the end of the season, AJAX had received an alarming number of both official and unofficial complaints, and this is something that the Club as a whole needs to address.


Feedback from the South Metro Junior Football League (SMJFL) indicated that 2023 across all clubs AJAX JFC was one of the worst when it came to behavioural issues and we did receive a number of penalties throughout the 2023 season.


As a result of this, the Club Executive have decided on a set of guidelines for all parent, player and supporters of the Club.



All players must abide by the rules of the game, and play in a spirit which it is intended.


Some examples of unacceptable behaviour includes but is not limited to:

  • Verbally abusing an umpire , opposition parents or officials.

  • Verbally and physically abusing opposition players. 

  • Racial vilification.

  • Un-sportsmanlike physical contact.

  • Excessively rough play.


The following are the AJAX JFC guidelines for all players:


Internal Reports

  • Any player who is involved in an inappropriate incident may be reported to the AJAX Executive.

  • This report can be made by any Coach, any Team Official or Committee Member.

  • This player will be investigated by the Club Integrity Officer, who will report back to the Club Executive.

  • If it is deemed that the behaviour of the party involved was inappropriate, then a penalty may be imposed.

  • This penalty may include:

    • An official warning.

    • Suspension from playing and training.

    • In more serious cases may result in the player being suspended for an extended period (including the entire season).

    • In very serious cases, expulsion from the Club.

  • The decision made by the Executive.

  • Any player suspended or expelled will not be eligible for any financial refund.    


External Reports

  • Any player who is reported by either an umpire (at the time of the game), or subsequently by the SMJFL (after the game), will be required to answer to this report. 

  • The decision whether to plead guilty or not to this report (and attend the SMJFL Tribunal) will be made by the Club Integrity Officer in consultation with the player and their Parent/Guardian.

  • If there is a decision to take the matter to the tribunal then the AJAX JFC will provide appropriate support and representation.

  • If it is felt by the Club Integrity Officer that the matter should not go to tribunal (guilty plea), then this decision will be forwarded to the player and their Parent/Guardian.

  • If there is a disagreement by the Parent/Guardian in relation to this decision, then they can appeal this decision to the Club Executive (this will follow a pre-defined process).

  • The final decision will be made by the Club Executive, and this decision will be final. 

  • Parents/Guardians will not be permitted to attend a SMJFL Tribunal hearing without the support of the AJAX JFC.



Some examples of unacceptable behaviour includes but is not limited to:

  • Abusing an umpire.

  • Abusing opposition players, parents or officials.

  • Bad sportsmanship.

  • Racial vilification.

  • Entering the field of play (during the game).

  • Acting inappropriately as a Team Official.


The following are the AJAX JFC guidelines for all Team Officials / Parents / Supporters:


Internal Team Officials / Parent / Supporter Reports

  • Any Team Official, Parent or Supporter who is involved in inappropriate behaviour may be reported to the AJAX Executive.

  • This report can be made by any Coach, any Team Official or Committee Member.

  • This Team Official / Parent / Supporter will be investigated by the Club Integrity Officer, and they will report back to the Club Executive.

  • A penalty may be issued.

  • This penalty may include:

    • Suspension from attending to any official duties.

    • Suspension from attending training session or game/s.

    • In more serious cases, the penalty could include the suspension of the parent/supporters child from playing for a specified period.

    • In very serious cases, the player may be expelled from the Club.    

  • The decision made by the Executive.


External Team Official / Parent / Supporter Reports

  • Any Team Official, Parent or Supporter who is reported by either an umpire (at the time of the game), or subsequently by the SMJFL (after a game), will be required to answer to this report. 

  • The decision whether to plead guilty or not to this report will be made by the Club Integrity Officer in consultation with the party involved.

  • If there is a desire to take the matter to the tribunal then the AJAX JFC will provide appropriate support and representation.

  • If it is felt by the Club Integrity Officer that the matter should not go to tribunal (guilty plea), then this decision will be forwarded to the party involved.

  • If there is a disagreement by the party involved in relation to this decision, then they can appeal this decision to the Club Executive (this will follow a pre-defined process)..

  • The final decision (in relation to a guilty or not guilty plea) will be made by the Club Executive, and this decision will be final. 

  • Any fines imposed on the party involved by the SMJFL will be paid by the party involved.

  • Team Officials / Parents and Supporters  will not be permitted from attending a SMJFL Tribunal hearing without the support of the AJAX JFC.


The Club Executive will always support its Team Officials, Players, Parents and Supporters as long as there is appropriate behaviour, however we also believe that we need to take firm action, and will be taking a zero tolerance in relation to unacceptable behaviour.


If any parent, player or Team Official have any issues or concerns with these guidelines, please feel free to contact a Club Executive member prior to the commencement of the season.


In 2023 we saw a significant increase in anti semitism both on the spectator front and on the field. This continued throughout the 2024 season. Unfortunately due to the situation in Israel there could be incidents that will occur across all age groups. The club is in constant contact with both the SMJFL and CSG to put measures in place as to how we will deal with such situations if they were to arise. There will be engagement with other clubs and umpires prior to the season as well as internal information events for players and parents on expectations. Retaliation will be dealt with by both the executive and SMJFL.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to a member of the executive.


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©2024 by Ajax FC

AJAX Junior Football Club is a Not For Profit working to enable Jewish children to play Australian Rules Football in the local community

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